Our partner

Dow Water solution
Since the 1940s, Dow has been an innovator in water separation technologies, expanding and growing along the way. Today, Dow Water & Process Solutions offers the most complete portfolio of industry leading products available .

Nalco Gulf
Nalco is an Ecolab company. A trusted partner at more than one million customer locations, Ecolab (ECL) is the global leader in water, hygiene and energy technologies and services that protect people and vital resources.

Hach & lange water united
For more than 60 years, they have been at the crest of the industry finding solutions that help you best manage your water. Our analytical instruments and reagents are used to test the quality of water in a variety of industries and markets from around the corner, to around the globe.

WETICO’s history is mainly that of Saudi Berkefeld Filter Co Ltd which was and still is based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The Company is involved in the design, manufacturing, installation and servicing of Water, Sewage and Wastewater Treatment Plants.

Veolia Water Technologies
Veolia helps cities and industries to manage, optimize and make the most of their resources. The company provides an array of solutions related to water, energy and materials – with a focus on waste recovery – to promote the transition toward a circular economy.

trisep corporation
TriSep Corporation is a specialty membrane supplier focused on delivering customized products to solve unmet customer needs. TriSep manufactures spiral wound membrane elements, flat sheet membranes, and support chemicals, and offers a wide variety of reverse osmosis, nanofiltration ...

Founder and CEO Gary Watts started his real estate career in the fall of 1978. From there, he has grown the Watts Group into four distinct entities dealing in land development, real estate, construction and leasing. Although the Watts Group consists of distinct divisions, each strives to uphold the organization’s commitment to top-notch customer service.

wallace & tiernan chlorination system
Evoqua Water Technologies is the premier provider of total disinfection and chemical dosing solutions. Our extensive portfolio, which includes the trusted Wallace & Tiernan product line, is designed to meet your most rigorous demands in virtually any water application and give you access to both the latest advances and widest range of proven technologies.

Since 1955, Cole-Parmer has been a leading global source of laboratory and industrial fluid handling products, instrumentation, equipment, and supplies. We are proven experts in the fields of temperature measurement and control, electrochemistry, and fluid handling. Our products are sold throughout the world through company-owned customer channel outlets and a strong network of international dealers.

The Lovibond® product range is being used to ensure water quality throughout the world. Water is the basis of life and water analysis and its purification are fundamental to the quality of life. The Lovibond® Team is committed to specializing in scientific and technological products which make water analysis simple and, most importantly, dependable and reliable

Pall Corporation
is a filtration, separation and purification leader providing solutions to meet the critical fluid management needs of customers across the broad spectrum of life sciences and industry. Pall works with customers to advance health, safety and environmentally responsible technologies. The Company's engineered products enable process and product innovation and minimize emissions and waste.

Purolite Ionexchage Resin
Purolite has evolved over the past 31 years from a small domestic importer of ion exchange resins to the premier manufacturer and innovation leader in the world. As time and technology have changed, so has Purolite. Our dedication to research and innovation is paving the way for new opportunities and endless applications.


- ALKAHA Compact units 25M/HR
- BADRA WATER PROJECT(Rehabilitation) 1M Cubic Meter
- wastewater plant General Directorate of Electrical industries
- RO SEA WATER plant Petro china
- RO Unit Sulymania Pure water factories
- Ion Exchane Dilah Electrical industries
- Compact Wastewater units Sulymania
- Water & Endearments Missan Laboratory
- Chlorination system in Nassyria Water Project
- Vacuum distillation THAT ALSAWARI FACTORY

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